We’re about the choices that clever Thais make, from which restaurant to go to for the best dim sum to which movers are most likely to treat your stuff with care.
This makes us your central resource when you need advice on where to go in Thailand. Whether you need to buy something, get something done, or even just see the best of our country’s sights, we can be your guides.
Meet the people who make our reviews:
Stephanie Wang
Contributing Editor
A communications graduate from the University of Pennsylvania, Stephanie spent 5 years as a brand strategist for two multinational companies before finding us. She moved back to the land of her birth and joined our team in hopes of showing more people the oft-overlooked excellence of Thailand. Her favorite things in the world include a good thriller and her two feline rescues.
Praew Tan
Staff Writer
Praew Tan was born and raised in Thailand but has already travelled to nearly every country in Asia. She always attributes her love for travel to her parents, both of whom are also lifelong globetrotters. Unsurprisingly, she has her own travel blog and is also a contributing writer to a number of travel-focused publications. Her heart always stays with Thailand, however, and she’s always happy to come back home after another adventure.
Preedee Thaveeapiradeesak
Staff Writer
Preedee, also known as Kenta in our team, hails from Bangkok. There, he studied at Raffles International College, harnessing a passion for knowledge that we see even today. With experience in everything from web design to AI training module projects, he’s easily one of our most multitalented writers. Creative yet analytical, he’s always hugely interested in seeing the latest innovations among Thailand’s businesses, which he often shares with others in his articles. When not out researching for new articles, he’s often relaxing at home or with friends, playing music and delving into non-fiction literature.
Wiyaporn Chooyok
Staff Writer
Wiyaporn or Mai was born and bred in Thailand like most of the team. From a young age, she’s been drawn to exploring the country, finding adventures in every corner. She’s also done her share of travel and work in other parts of Southeast Asia, working with an international shopping company in the region. Today, she guides people into experiencing the true essence of Thailand with us. For Mai, the content she writes is how she shares her love for Thailand with others!
How do we make our reviews?
Our reviews are data-based, research-driven pieces that take days or even weeks of work. We employ various methods for each article, from surveys to service tests, just so we can ensure that the opinions and ratings we provide are reliable ones.
Learn MoreHow do we make money?
While Clever Thai is reader-supported and may thus earn commissions on purchases made through our site, at no point do we suspend our journalistic integrity to promote businesses for the sake of money.
We only recommend shops and services that we believe genuinely offer value to the customer, and our reviews always explain why.
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